Julia Folgoas


Oficina(s) :


Bar(s) : Paris (2014)


After first practising at Cornet Vincent Segurel in Paris, Julia Folgoas specialised in company law and mergers and acquisitions. She joined the company law, mergers and acquisitions and financing department of DS Avocats in 2016.

Julia is dual qualified from ECS Lille (now known as Skema Business School) Grande Ecole section and has a Master 2 degree in Business law (European and comparative law).

  • CAPA HEDAC (octobre 2013)
  • ESC Lille (devenue Skema Business School) parcours Grande Ecole
  • Master 2 Droit des Affaires (européen et comparé) – 2011
  • Classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles de commerce
  • English
  • French